Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Late Anniversary Post....

 As most of you know my Anniversary is on April 3. So yes i am a little late at writing this post but i finally figured out how to use this thing so im going to catch up on my posts. June will probably contain a million posts bear with me :). I just really wanted to say a few things about marriage and the joy its brought to me.

We have been together for 6 years total now. We have been married for 2. We got married on April 3 2010. I remember that day well. My mother and I and a few other people got up at 6 in the morning to go get the hall ready and there was a snow storm going on of course. By 3:30 when we got married tho it had all cleared up and turned into a beatiful sunny day. How perfect almost like it was meant to be. I remember that day and how happy we both were. It truly was one of the best days of my life once the wedding was going on nothing could bug us. I hurt from smiling when we got back to the room that night! Even then we still were smiling. Its a great thing to finally commit yourself to your best friend and be with them forever.

For Better And For Worse...

Im going to be honest never in a million years did i think marriage would be so much work!! It really is hard work to keep your marriage happy. It takes you both to do it too. We have actually had some huge ups and downs but the best part is we both took a step back decided we were adults and maybe it was time to grow up a little bit. Thats what we did and ever since our marriage has been so good. I've come to appreciate how much my husband loves me and wants to be with me. The same with him he tells me all the wonderful things he loves about me constantly. We are high school sweethearts and yes the pretty typical ones too :P. I just want to feel the same way about him as i did when we were back in fairy tale land. Its not easy but i can honestly say i love him even more then then. He takes care of me, provides for me, he spoils me, and most of all he is always there for me. If i am not in the mood to do something or can't he doesn't just abandon me and run of and do it he stays with me and actually has the desire to be with me. That makes me feel so special. The same with him if he can't come i don't want to go without him. I want to say thanks Bryce Trent Almond your an amazing man and i couldn't have gotten a better husband then you. Thank you for all you do for me honey and i can't wait to see what comes next for us :).

Love you baby :0 your the best and can't wait to create more amazing memories with you!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Time to get Dirty!

Hello everybody! So as you all know i ran the dirty dash and i know everyone was dying to see pictures well here is a couple i wish i had more but i don't. At least you can all see the damage. It was such a fun day. My dear friends car broke down in Park City and the alarm kept going off at the blue iguana. We aren't the brightest apples in the bunch we let the key get wet and it fried it which made it not work of course which = alarm not working. All and All it was a fun day. I recommend doing this race if you have thought about it! Enjoy all!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Project Allie...

So im not really sure if everyone knows that i can sew but i can.I actually love it and missed doing it. I think the last timei made anything was like my senior year in high school.  My Grandma and Grandpa gave me my great Grandmas sewing machine a couple months back and my husband has been hassling me about using it so i decided the other day i wanted to make a couple skirts. I spent about a total of 2 hours at the store searching for fabric and trying to figure out exactly what i wanted to attempt to make and well if you know me im pretty sure this fabric describes me completely...

I wanted to make a 50's inspired skirt with the petticaots underneath that add the cute poofyness to skirts i just absolutely love those so that where i went from. Let me tell you the sash alone took me like 2 hours just to get it scrunched up and sewn on i about wanted to scream..

The best part is the sash part is just on a slip so i can wear it with other skirts if i want! I think the skirts turned out absolutely cute tho and i love them and they look way cute on which no i don't have a picture of them on me yet but i do have some of the finished project and here it is enjoy!!! I love them i hope everyone else think there as cute as i do :)